Western Volusia, and Eastern Seminole Counties
The Unity Springs area of Narcotics Anonymous serves western Volusia County as well as portions of East Seminole County. For more information please visit the Unity Springs NA area website or contact the Unity Springs NA Helpline:
Helpline: (888) 385-3121
Florida Region of Narcotics Anonymous
The Florida Region of Narcotics Anonymous is the region that serves the Coquina Coast Area of Narcotics Anonymous as well as other surrounding areas. For more information about the Florida Region of NA please visit the NA Florida website or contact the NA Florida helpline:
What is a Regional Service Committee?
Helpline: (844) 623-5674
NA World Services
NA World Services is the top level service structure, residing at the base of the inverted pyramid of the NA Service Structure. World Services provides a number of services to Regions, Zones, and to members around the world. For more information about NA World Services (or to see what services are provided) please visit the NA website or contact NA World Services using one of the phone numbers provided on the na.org contact page:
Find a Virtual Meeting
Virtual NA is a globally based collaborative service resource whose primary purpose is to provide a meeting search for both Online and Phone line meetings of Narcotics Anonymous hosted from different countries around the world.